All About Natural + Organic Deodorant

Recently, I attended a detox talk at Pure and Simple where the panelists talked all about how to detox our bodies daily and about natural deodorant. There was so much great information shared that night and it really got me thinking that I have never talked in much detail about why to use natural organic deodorant and specifically which ones I like the best. So I decided to ask a poll on my insta stories to see how many people were using natural deodorants and there were about 20% of people that were a little nervous to try natural deodorant. It's a big deal, I get it and it can be really hard to find a natural organic deodorant that works, so I wanted to do my part and share with you what I have found to be the most effective.
Why Use Natural Organic Deodorant?
For much of the same reason I choose to wear and use natural beauty products, I also have chosen to use natural organic deodorant. Conventional deodorant has many ingredients that I personally try to avoid, especially antiperspirant.
What about antiperspirant?
I will talk about why I choose not to use antiperspirant first. The main reason I don't use it and I don't don't recommend it is that it blocks your body from sweating, something that your body does naturally and should do naturally. Because of the aluminum present in it, it basically acts as a temporary plug within the sweat duct that stops the flow of sweat to the skin's surface. That may seem like an amazing thing to have happen, but I promise it is not. You don't want that stuff being stuck up in your body, right? Your body is designed to sweat and it is one of the main ways it eliminates toxins, so when we override that, we are basically allowing our body to also hold onto toxins.
There is also the risk associated with aluminum and cancer which is a whole other issue and a major reason to avoid using it on a daily basis. Although, some will say that we are exposed to aluminum in other ways (such as from food) and that we shouldn't worry about it in our antiperspirant, personally I still don't feel comfortable using it nor recommending it.
Another fun fact about antiperspirant is that is is actually labeled as a drug, not a cosmetic as deodorant is. This is because it actually temporarily changes the function of the skin as it suppresses the flow of sweat.

Conventional Deodorant Issues:
Let's talk about other conventional deodorants then shall we? The problem with these is that the ingredients in them are mostly synthetic, contain fragrance and other ingredients that are best avoided altogether. Whenever you see fragrance listed on a product, just think chemical shitstorm, as it is considered a trade secret by the beauty industry. That means they DO NOT need to disclose what is in the product exactly. So even if they say things like natural, or paraben free or anything else, once you see the term fragrance and it doesn't indicate what is in it, you can't really be sure.
The other problem with all of these synthetic ingredients and chemicals is the way that they interact with each other. Sure, there are tests done on the safety of the product (although not nearly as strict as they are in the EU), they don't test the interaction of all of these products together. I don't know about you, but most women don't only wear one makeup or skincare product, right?
So what about the smell?
The main reason so many people are afraid or nervous to switch to natural organic deodorant is that they fear they will smell when they sweat. The interesting thing is that it is not sweat itself that smells, its the bacteria. So the way we can address that is by first and foremost dealing with the bacteria.
The way we can do this is with the following:
- Avoid wearing synthetic fibres as these can trap those unpleasant odors.
- Drink lots of water: this will help dilute your sweat and reduce the amount of bacteria present. Tip- Try taking chlorophyll with your water for an extra boost of detoxing benefits and to help with odor.
- Stay active and sweat regularly to help detox your body.
- Keep your armpits clean and wash them thoroughly when showering. Tip- use Kaia Naturals underarm bar to help draw out toxins and eliminate bacteria. I love using mine in the morning when I shower to make sure I avoid any unpleasant smelliness, hey it happens!
- Limit eating too many processed foods and other foods like onion and garlic as these can have a noticeable impact on your body odor.
- Reapply as needed throughout the day if you need. This is why I love using Wildcraft spray deodorants as I can easily carry one with me and reapply no problem.
Natural Organic Deodorant That I Use and Recommend:
I have tried so many over the years and so here is a mini review so you can see my thoughts on each product I've tried.
Kaia Charcoal Deodorant:
This deodorant promises to keep you odor free all day thanks to the activated charcoal which acts like a magnet binding to substances like bacteria and toxins to draw them out. So, I tried this way back in 2016 and I was really excited about it because the smell of the takesumi blend is EVERYTHING. However, when I tried it, it just didn't seem to work for me and I gave it more than a fair shot. After trying it for more than 30 days (and I had already been using natural deodorant for more than a couple years), I had to give it up. After attending a Pure and Simple event in Toronto and listening to the founder talk about the deodorant, I talked to her afterwards about my experience. She told me that the formula changed since then and to try a new sample one. I have only used it a few times and not consistently so I can't say for sure if my opinion would change on it.
You can check it out at Detox Market Canada here.
Or check it out at Detox Market U.S. here.

Kaia Underarm Bar:
I will say that I have been using the underarm bar and it is AMAZING. The bar is great if you lead a more active lifestyle and need an extra boost. I don't think I lead a more active lifestyle, but I do sweat a lot naturally (TMI?) so this is working for me. Again, this product has activated charcoal and apple cider vinegar that help to detox and manage odor caused by that bacteria on your skin.
Check it out at The Detox Market Canada here.

Agent Nateur, holi(Rose) No.4:
This has personally been my favourite natural organic deodorant to use by far! First, the smell is soooooo good, provided of course you like a nice rose floral scent. The second is that it has worked the best for me and has never been irritating at all, which has happened with others. It also contains sandalwood which is a pheromone that acts as a natural deodorant. I love this one because it goes on clear, which means no white marks plus it goes on super smooth and WORKS, which is the main thing you want in a deodorant, right?
Check it out at Detox Market Canada here.
Check it out at Detox Market U.S. here.

Citrus Deodorant Cream, Soapwalla:
This was the first natural organic deodorant that I used and I did use it for a long time because it worked. However, I found it really hard to use during the summer when I sweat more and in fact needed it to work the most. The reason it was hard to use was that I found it gave me a rash. My underarms became so painful, I couldn't put anything on it. I tried to use it again after the rash went away, but the same thing happened. I am not sure why it seemed to work for a while and then it didn't but I just couldn't recommend it anymore. Plus, applying a cream to your underarms is not really too much fun.

Wildcraft Deodorant:
I was sent all three scents of deodorant from Wildcraft and because they were sprays, I was a little hesitant about them. I've never tried sprays before and I was unsure if they would work. But, I am happy to say, these worked! I've been using them for a few weeks now and I am so impressed. I love all three scents as they are really natural smelling (made with essential oils) and don't overpower you. I would particularly like a rose scent but that is just because I personally love everything rose.
The reason that this natural organic deodorant works so well is because of ingredients like clary sage, lavender essential oils, witch hazel and magnesium which work to reduce the activity of that pesky underarm bacteria, helping keep odors away. I love that these are sprays in particular because it also makes re-application fairly easy to apply and won't stain your clothing.

Routine, Moon Sisters:
Although cream deodorants aren't my fave to apply, this one is AMAZING! It goes on smooth, the texture is also really smooth and most importantly it works. I have also tried the cat lady one and it works and smells like a dream or a birthday cake (which is a dream)!

Primally Pure, Blue Tansy Deodorant:
This is my absolute fave at the moment, both for the beautiful scent and the application. It works great, I have been using it all summer long and it holds up really well. It is lower in baking soda if you find you are sensitive to that in your deodorant. And it is made with nourishing, organic ingredients including that beautiful blue tansy essential oil. It is for sure my favourite scent of ANY deodorant I've ever tried.
I highly, highly recommend it!

Meow Meow Tweet, Lavender Baking Soda Free Deodorant Cream:
I have not personally tested this product, but I have heard great things about it so that is why I included it in this review. Also, it is baking soda free which I am sure many will appreciate if you find you are sensitive to that ingredient.
Update: I've since tried it and LOVE it. I like the sustainable packaging and it works very well and has a lovely scent too.
You can check it out at The Detox Market U.S. here.
You can check it out at The Detox Market Canada here.
If you buy any of the products from the Detox Market Canada website, you can use my code HOLISTICFOODIE10 to save 10% off your order!
Or shop in the U.S. right here!
Well, that sums up my review about natural organic deodorant. It's really important to remember that if you are making the switch to natural deodorant from conventional products, you do need to give yourself time to adjust. It may take up to four weeks for your body to adjust, so be patient. Don't be discouraged if you try something and it doesn't work for you either, there are so many options out there now, so if you do give something a fair try and it doesn't work, move on and try something else.
The other thing to remember is that your body may go through a detox period. This means, you may think that the product is great at first and then notice an increase in body odor after the first week or so. This is normal, as your body may be sweating more than usual and toxins and chemicals may be released as a result. Refer to my tips above about how to reduce the bacteria that is causing the odor and just be patient. Things will get better, I promise!
Alright, let me know, what questions do you have about natural organic deodorant? What do you want to know? And if you are using natural deodorant, how do you like it?
This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only share products and services I have personally used and love. Disclosure here.
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